Biblical History:- Josephus "The Antiquities of the Jews"
- Walter Dietrich "The Early Monarchy in Israel. The Tenth Century B.C.E."
- Mario Liverani "Israel's History and History of Israel"
- Ilana Pardes "The Biography of Ancient Israel. National Narratives in the Bible"
- Ahab Agonistes "The Rise and Fall of the Omri Dynasty"
- Clyde E.Fant & Mitchell G.Reddish "A Guide to Biblical Sites in Greece and Turkey"
- Martti Nissinen "Prophets and Prophecy in the Ancient Near East"
- Lawrence J. Mykytiuk "Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200 - 539 B.C.E."
- Lester L.Grabbe "A History of The Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period"
- Niels Peter Lemche "Historical Dictionary of Ancient Israel"
- Lester L.Grabbe "An Introduction to Second Temple Judaism. History and Religion of the Jews in the time of Nehemiah, the Maccabees, Hillel and Jesus"
- Mario Liverany "Myth and Politics in Ancient Near Eastern Historiography"
- Niels Peter Lemche "The Israelites in History and Tradition"
- Thomas L. Thompson "Jerusalem in Ancient History and Tradition"
- Shlomo Sand "The Invention of the Jewish People"
Biblical Archaeology:
- Richard Plant "A Numismatic Journey Through the Bible"
- Amihai Mazar "Studies in the Archaeology of the Iron Age in Israel and Jordan"
- Israel Finkelstein & Amihai Mazar "The Quest for the Historical Israel. Debating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel"
- Israel Finkelstein & Neil Asher Silberman "The Bible Unearthed. Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts"
- Israel Finkelstein, Neil Silberman "La Biblia Desenterrada"
- Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman, "David and Solomon: In Search of the Bible's Sacred Kings and the Roots of the Western Tradition"
- Adam Zertal "The Manasseh Hill Country Survey. The Eastern Valleys and the Fringes of the Desert"
- Eric H.Cline "Biblical Archaeology. A Very Short Introduction"
- John R.Bartlett "Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation"
- Susan Pollock & Reinhard Bernbeck "Archaeologies of the Middle East"
- Milton C.Moreland "Between Text and Artifact. Integrating Archaeology in Biblical Studies Teaching"
- John C.H.Laughlin "Fifty Major Cities of the Bible"
- Yitzhak Magen & Yuval Peleg "The Qumran Excavations 1993-2004. Preliminary Report"
- Beth Alpert Nakhai "Archaeology and the Religions of Canaan and Israel"
- Archaeological Study Bible
- Neil Asher Silberman & David Small "The Archaeology of Israel. Constructing the Past, Interpreting the Present"
- Ian Shaw and Robert Jameson "A dictionary of archaeology"
- William G. Dever "Did God Have a Wife? Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel"
- Anne Katrine de Hemmer Gudme "Before the God in this Place for Good Remembrance. A Comparative Analysis of the Aramaic Votive Inscriptions from Mount Gerizim
History of Religions and Cults:
- Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions
- Sarah Iles Johnston "Ancient Religions"
- Frank Moore Cross "Canaanite Myth And Hebrew Epic. Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel"
- J.C.L.Gibson "Canaanite Myths and Legends"
- Eva Pocs and Gabor Klasiczay "Christian Demonology and Popular Mythology"
- Raphael Patai "The Hebrew Goddes"
- Bob Becking & Marjo C.A.Korpel "The Crisis of Israelite Religion. Transformation of Religious Tradition in Exilic & Post-Exilic Times"
- Ahmed Osman "Christianity. An Ancient Egyptian Religion"
- Karin Finsterbusch, Armin Lange and K.F.Diethard Romheld "Human Sacrifice in Jewish and Christian Tradition"
- Tilde Binger "Asherah. Goddesses in Ugarit, Israel and the Old Testament"
- Etienne Nodet "A Search for the Origins of Judaism"
- J.Glen Taylor "Yahweh and the Sun. Biblical and Archaeological Evidence for Sun Worship in Ancient Israel"
- Elizabeth Bloch-Smith "Judahite Burial Practices and Beliefs about the Dead"
- Magnar Kartveit "The Origin of the Samaritans"
Biblical Criticism:
- Stanley E.Porter "Distionary of Biblical Criticism and Interpretation"
- Giovanni Garbini "Myth and History in the Bible"
- Richard Elliott Friedman "Who Wrote the Bible?"
- Richard Elliott Friedman "The Bible with Sources Revealed"
- Ingrid Hjelm "The Samaritans and Early Judaism. A Literary Analysis"
- Emanuel Tov "Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible"
- Diana Edelman "The Origins of the Second Temple. Persian Imperial Policy and the Rebuilding of Jerusalem"
- Philip R.Davies "Whose Bible Is It Anyway?"
- Philip R.Davies and David J. A.Clines "Among the Prophets. Language, Image and Structure in the Prophetic Writings"
- Gary Greenberg "101 Myths of the Bible. How Ancient Scribes Invented Biblical History"
- Leon Vaganay "An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism"
- Michael Fishbane "Biblical Myth and Rabbinic Mythmaking"
- Gregory T.K.Wong "Compositional Strategy of the Book of Judges"
- Barry G.Webb "The Book of the Judges. An Integrated Reading"
- Kenneth C.Davis "Don't Know Much About the Bible. Everything You Need to Know About the Good Book but Never Learned"
- William M.Schniedewind "How the Bible Became a Book"
- Steven L.McKenzie and M.Patrick Graham "The History of Israel's Traditions. The Heritage of Martin Noth"
- Rolf Rendtorff "The Problem of the Process of Transmission in the Pentateuch"
- David T.Lamb "Righteous Jehu and His Evil Heirs. The Deuteronomist's Negative Perspective on Dynastic Succession"
- Rutherford H.Platt, Jr. "The Order of All the Books of the Forgotten Books of Eden"
- Karen Armstrong "A History of God"
- Martin Noth "The Chronicler's History"
- R.N.Whybray "The Making of the Pentateuch. A Methodological Study"
- R.N.Whybray "Wealth and Poverty in the Book of Proverbs"
- Richard D.Nelson "The Double Redaction of the Deuteronomistic History"
- The Earliest Text of the Hebrew Bible. The relationship Between the Masoretic Text and the Hebrew Base of the Septuagint Reconsidered. Ed. by Adrian Schenker
- John Van Seters "Pentateuch: A Social Science Commentary"
- Lester L.Grabbe "Ezra-Nehemiah"
- Lester L.Grabbe "Did Moses Speak Attic? Jewish Historiography and Scripture in the Hellenistic Period"
- Ingrid Hjelm "Jerusalem's Rise to Sovereignty. Zion and Gerizim in Competition"
- Thomas L. Thompson "The Origin Tradition of Ancient Israel. The Literary Formation of Genesis and Exodus 1-23"
- David J.A. Clines "The Theme of the Pentateuch"
Dead Sea Scrolls:
- James H.Charlesworth "The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Princeton Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls"
- The Dead Sea Scrolls. The Ancient Library of Qumran and Modern Schoolarship
- Jonathan G.Campbell "Deciphering the Dead Sea Scrolls"
- Donald W.Parry & Emanuel Tov "Dead Sea Scrolls Reader. Texts Concerned with Religious Law"
- Donald W.Parry & Emanuel Tov "Dead Sea Scrolls Reader. Exegetical Texts"
- Donald W.Parry & Emanuel Tov "Dead Sea Scrolls Reader. Calendrical and Sapiential Texts"
- Frederick H.Cryer & Thomas L.Thompson "Qumran Between the Old and New Testaments"
- Hershel Shanks "Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls"
- C.D. Elledge "The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls"
- David L.Washburn "A Catalog of Biblical Passages in the Dead Sea Scrolls"
- Hanan Eshel "The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Hasmonean State"
- Emanuel Tov "Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible, and Qumran Collected Essays"
- Dorothy M.Peters "Noah Traditions in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Conversations and Controversies of Antiquity"
- Florentino García Martínez & Eibert J.C. Tigchelaar "The Dead Sea Scrolls. Study Edition"
- Peter W.Flint "The Bible at Qumran. Text, Shape, and Interpretation"
- Philip R.Davies "The Damascus Covenant. An Interpretation of the Damascus Document"
- Florentino García Martínez "The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated. The Qumran Texts in English"

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